In a heart-wrenching episode in Gohpur, Assam, a man named Mriganka Saikia allegedly murdered his 7-year-old son before taking his own life. The chilling events unfolded on a Thursday evening in the Solengi Guri village, under Gohpur subdivision.
According to reports, Saikia is accused of smothering his young son with a blanket while the child slept, during a time when his wife was not at home. After committing the alleged crime, Saikia left the scene on a scooter, leading to a swift police search to locate him.
Tragically, the following morning, Saikia’s lifeless body was discovered hanging from the roof of a house owned by Nanda Biswas in the nearby village of Borigaon. Police suspect it to be a suicide, though the motive behind this devastating act remains shrouded in mystery.
Law enforcement authorities have launched an investigation to unravel the circumstances leading to this tragic incident. The Gohpur community has been left in a state of shock and grief as they grapple with the incomprehensible loss of the young child and the subsequent death of his father.
As the investigation continues, the local populace is eagerly awaiting answers that might shed light on what drove Saikia to such a tragic decision. The tragedy has not only shattered a family but also sent shockwaves through the small Assam village and beyond, highlighting the profound impact of domestic instability and mental health issues on communities.